you ever wondered why ensemble algorithms give out the best results? Here is
the answer to your question. The ensemble algorithms are the most powerful
machine learning algorithms it combines multiple algorithms to solve the
complex problems. Ensemble techniques are very useful to get the best results
in competitions, Hackathons, and many more. Few ensemble algorithms are Random
Forest, Gradient Boosting, and XGBoost. To understand these techniques you
should know about the decision tree in depth.
In this
article, I will be explaining,
- Introduction to Decision Tree
- Types of Decision Tree
- Attribute Selection Measures
- Example of Decision Tree
- Avoid overfitting in Decision Tree
- Implementation in Python
to Decision Tree
Decision Tree is a supervised machine
learning algorithm that is used for solving both classification and Regression
problems. It is like a tree-structured classifier that is upside down as shown
in the figure.
Terminologies of Decision Tree
Root Node: Root Node is where the tree starts. It is the whole sample dataset, which gets divided into sub-nodes. It is also called the parent node.
Internal Node: The Internal nodes contain both the root node and the leaf nodes. It is also called the child node
Leaf Node: Leaf nodes are the final output of the decision tree, the decision tree cannot be split further after leaf nodes. It is also called terminal node.
of Decision Tree
Depending on the dependent variable (i.e., output/ target variable) decision tree is classified into two types.
1. Regression Tree
A decision tree is used as a regression
analysis when the dependent variable is continuous like house price prediction,
an income of an employee, etc.
2. Classification Tree
A decision tree is used for
classification when the dependent variable is categorical like 1 or 0, spam or
ham, etc.
Therefore, the Decision Tree is
called the Classification and Regression Tree (CART).
Attribute Selection Measures
To choose the right root node among
the given attributes and split the data to its complete depth (i.e.; till
homogenous nodes are left) we generally use Attribute Selection
Measures for splitting the nodes. Let’s start with different splitting
methods in the decision tree.
1. Entropy
Entropy is to measure the impurity of
the given data. It is used for calculating the purity of the node in the
decision tree if the data is having categorical dependent variables. Lower the
entropy value, the higher is the purity. It is denoted by H(S). The formula for
entropy is
H(S) = -P (+) log2 (P (+)) - P (-) log2
(P (-))
(+) = Total positive class
(-) = Total negative class
The Entropy value ranges from 0 to 1
as shown in the figure below.
2. Information Gain
Gain measures the change in entropy after the data is spilt based on an
attribute (independent variables) if the data is having categorical dependent
variables. Constructing a DT (decision tree) is for finding attribute that
returns the highest information gain. It is denoted as IG(S, A). The formula
for information gain is
A) = H(S) – H(S, A)
H(S) = Entropy of the entire data
H(S, A) = Entropy for the particular
attribute A
3. Gini Impurity
Impurity is a method for splitting the nodes while creating a decision tree if
the data is having categorical dependent variables. If the value of Gini
Impurity is low then we consider higher the homogeneity of the node. For a pure
node, Gini Impurity is zero. The formula is given as
Gini Impurity is
recommended for information gain, it is computationally efficient compared to
entropy because it does not contain logarithms. The value ranges from 0 to 0.5
as shown in the figure below.
is one of the methods for splitting the nodes in the decision tree if the data
is having categorical dependent variables. This method is used to find out the
statistically significant difference between the parent node and the child
node. If the value of chi-square is higher, then the statistically significant
difference between the parent node and child node is high. The formula for
chi-square is
5. Reduction in Variance
in Variance is a method for splitting the nodes in the decision tree if the
data is having continuous dependent variables. This method uses variance as a
measure for splitting the data because it calculates the homogeneity of a node.
The split is based on low variance. The formula for calculating variance is
Steps for Decision Tree
1. Calculate the entropy of the class.
Entropy (PlayTennis) =
Entropy (5, 9)
= Entropy (0.36, 0.64)
= -
(0.36log2 0.36) - (0.64 log2 0.64)
= 0.94
2. The entire data is split based on different
independent variables. The entropy for each variable is calculated. The
resulting entropy for independent variables is subtracted from the entropy of
the class. The resulting value is the information gain (IG).
IG (PlayTennis, Outlook) = Entropy
(PlayTennis) – Entropy (PlayTennis, Outlook)
0.94 – 0.693 = 0.247
Similarly, Calculate for other
3. Now we have to choose the attribute
with the highest information gain as the root node, from the above table, we can
see that ‘outlook’ has the highest information gain, divide the dataset by its
4. Repeat the same process for each
sub node. The algorithm runs recursively on all sub-nodes until the entire data
is classified.
The decision rules generated are:
overfitting in Decision Tree
Overfitting is one of the
disadvantages of a decision tree. When a decision tree model is built on the
entire data to its max depth it leads to overfitting the data (i.e., the
training data accuracy is high but test data accuracy is low) which is also
called low bias and high variance condition. To overcome the overfitting
problem following methods are used.
- Control tree Size
- Pruning
1. Control Leaf Size
Parameters play an important role
while constructing a decision tree. Some of the regularization parameters are:
max_depth: This parameter is used to set the maximum
depth of the tree.
min_samples_split: This parameter is used to set the minimum no
of samples required to split the node.
min_samples_leaf: This parameter is used to set the minimum no
of samples required at the leaf node.
max_features: This parameter is used to set the maximum no
of features to consider for the best split.
Pruning is a process of reducing the
size of the decision tree by eliminating the unnecessary nodes to get the
optimal decision tree. There are two types of pruning.
i) Pre-pruning
Pre-pruning is a technique that
prevents the insignificant nodes from generating by putting some condition when
should it terminate before it classifies the data. It is also called forward
ii) Post-pruning
The Post-pruning technique is applied
to the generated decision tree and then the insignificant nodes are removed. A cross-validation metric is used to check the effect of pruning. It is also
called backward pruning.
Note: In Decision Tree, no feature scaling is
required, it is not sensitive to outliers and it can automatically handle the
missing values.
in Python
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